Luncheon Club

We operate a weekly luncheon club on a Thursday at 12pm. We provide a three course meal, a cup of tea and a warm welcome.

For more information, please contact


We operate a referral based Food Bank on Fridays 12.30-2.15pm. We are an outlet of the South & East Bristol Food Bank which is part of The Trussell Trust.

If you would like to make donations to the foodbank, we are always in need of the following items: Tinned food, rice/pasta sauces, cereal and nappies. For more suggested items, visit The Trussell Trust website.

Soup Run

Once a month we partner with the Soup Run Trust and serve approximately 50 to 80 people.

If you would like to get involved, please contact us.

Craft Group

This group meets on the first and third Fridays of every month 7.30-9.30pm in the Hut. Everyone is welcome to bring a craft project or to try something new. Cake, a hot drink and friendly chat are always provided!

For more details, please contact us.

Community Housing

Fishponds Baptist Church in partnership with Hope into Action have two community houses that offer a stable and supported home to men who are vulnerable to homelessness.   

Knowing what a huge issue homelessness is in Bristol, we have two three bedroom houses that offer comfortable accommodation with the full support of a trained team, which includes Empowerment Workers, House Co-ordinators and Mentors. We take referrals from a range of agencies and charities.
07375 824923

Mentor Me Support Group

We partner with the Mentor Me project, part of Sixty-One charity, providing support for women ex-offenders and those involved in the criminal justice system.

For more details, please contact us.

For more information, please contact us.